Several good quotes from Winnie Lim on “being creative is not just about making things“. Worth remembering for moments of creative or life stuck-ness.
Full quotes:
However recently I realised being creative is not just about self-expression or creating things. It is about developing the pathways to see things in a different light, including opportunities, paths, perceptions. I can be making a ton of things for example, but still remain quite fixed on how I perceive myself or how I should lead my life.
We are vessels for art: like a cookie cutter we can only make art in the shapes we are in, when the self changes the art changes too. So in order to develop new ways of making I have learnt that I must change, or I will be limited to the boundaries of the person I am. When I change, the ways I make things change, and they inevitably change me in return like a never-ending feedback loop.
Maybe I thought I’ve always needed to make giant leaps, but the most profound changes I’ve had were always slow and subtle, like water wearing down a rock. But this is only possible if I am able to stop being fixated about what I think I want, versus what possibilities can be unfolded.
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